Apple iPhone 7 Plus available at flat Rs 12,000 discount, iPhone 7 at Rs 10,000
Apple fans, here's another discount bonanza for you. Paytm is holding a three-day sale on Apple devices. The website is giving a range of cashback offers on Apple iPhones, iPads and MacBooks till February 16 (starting today). Called the 'Upgrade to Apple' sale, the cashback will be credited into buyers' Paytm wallets within 24 hours of products being shipped. The offer is not valid on cash-on-delivery orders. This means that to avail the cashback offers, buyers mandatorily need to pay through credit or debit cards.
Here are the top deals available on Paytm:
iPhone 7: A cashback of Rs 10,000 is available on iPhone 7 (256GB variant). The 128GB variant of the smartphone is available with a cashback discount of Rs 7,500.
iPhone 7 Plus: A cashback of Rs 12,000 can be availed on the 256GB variant of the smartphone. While the 128GB variant will get buyers a cashback discount of Rs 7,500.
iPhone 6s: The 32GB variant of the smartphone is available at a cashback discount of Rs 6,000.
iPhone 6: There's a flat cashback offer of Rs 3,500 available on iPhone 6 (16GB).
Phone 6 Plus: The 64GB variant of iPhone 6 Plus is available at a cashback discount of Rs 6,000.
MacBooks: There's a cashback discount of up to Rs 20,000 on Apple's MacBooks range.
iPads: iPads are available with cashback discounts of up to Rs 9,000.Paytm's 'Apple sale' comes close on the heels of a similar sale on Flipkart recently. Last week, Flipkart held an 'Apple Fest' wherein there were numerous exchange and discount offers available. Under one exchange deal, iPhone 6 was available for less than Rs 5,000.
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